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AFFS Activities

This is a brief list of all the current work going on within the AFFS, and also a few tasks which need doing. If you feel like helping out, please join the mailing list and give us a hand!

Finishing setup of financial affairs

  • Contact: MJ Ray
  • Status: Bank account setup to be complete on or around 28th March.

Preparing launch PR material

  • Contact: Richard Smedley
  • Status: Editing some prepared material (? I think - Alex)

Drafting an introduction for non-specialists

  • Contact: Ramin Nakisa
  • Status: Second draft published to list and suggestions being made liaison

  • Contact: Richard Smedley
  • Status: Joined. What now?

Campaign for Digital Rights liaison

  • Contact: Alistair Davidson
  • Status: Patent issue raised there by someone else.

OS Health Care Alliance liaison

  • Contact: Simon Waters?
  • Status: Joining

Institutional Web Managers ( types) liaison

  • Contact: Andrew Savory
  • Status: Continuing discussions

A new free software-type news web site

  • Contact: MJ Ray, with barracking/help from robster
  • Status: Software being rewritten.

Approaching about sponsoring

  • Contact: MJ Ray
  • Status: Second emails sent. Discussions continuing on

Designing the logo (vector format, please)

  • Contact: UNASSIGNED
  • Status: If you'd like to take on this task, please join the mailing list and tell us!

Association with FSF Europe

  • Contact: UNASSIGNED
  • Status: If you'd like to take on this task, please join the mailing list and tell us!

Redrafting the Standing Orders

  • Contact: UNASSIGNED
  • Status: If you'd like to take on this task, please join the mailing list and tell us!