[Ukfs-event] Topics for the conference

Mark Taylor mark.taylor at siriusit.co.uk
Sun Oct 1 12:59:11 BST 2006

Iain Roberts ha scritto:
> Bump.
> Any thoughts?
> Mark and I had a brief phone conversation and he had some good ideas -
> can you post them please Mark.

Yes, although I'll only have to repeat them once the rest of the places 
at this table are filled.
First things first... let's get *everyone here* first, then we can get 
this sorted.
> Cheers,
> Iain.
> Iain Roberts wrote:
>> What theme are we choosing for this conference?  What topics do we want
>> to discuss?
>> Once we've got an idea of those, we can start contacting potential
>> speakers and we can put together some initial information for delegates.
>> For example :
>> Theme : The benefits of FLOSS for non-techies
>> Topics :
>> - FLOSS & Education
>> - FLOSS & the public sector
>> - How FLOSS is helping the environment (e.g. extending the life of PCs)
>> - How FLOSS is empowering people (e.g. social training, one laptop per
>> child, assistive technologies)
>> - Getting FLOSS onto the political agenda
>> - Building a home-grown IT sector with FLOSS
>> Presentation methods :
>>  - Round table/panel discussions
>>  - Debate
>>  - Presentation
>>  - Workshop
>> Other ideas :
>>  - Use the conference to capture ideas and make sure they go straight
>> onto a wiki (have someone in every session typing up minutes).
>>  - Look for delegates living close together and suggest car sharing.
>>  - Can we theme each day, so people who are only interested in some
>> topics have more chance of finding them all on one day rather than
>> spread out across the two?
>> Iain.

Mark Taylor, Chief Executive Officer
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
Tel: +44(0)870 608 0063

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