[Ukfs-event] Dates and venues

Mark Taylor mark.taylor at siriusit.co.uk
Sun Oct 1 12:58:06 BST 2006

Iain Roberts ha scritto:
> For the November conference, can we agree :
> a) How long the conference will be (we've talked about a two-day
> conference in the past).

Either. Given that this is our first time, we should aim to start modest 
and improve in future years.
> b) How big it will be (I think we aim for 60-70 people to attend)

Depends on whether we are targeting *only* the 'community' or whether we 
consider ourselves ready to interact with 'non-choir' yet.
> c) When it will be (e.g. which dates in November do we need to avoid so
> we don't clash with other events).

As late in November as possible ;) Maybe even December ;)
The question will be moot if we don't collect the rest of us and roll 
our sleeves up!
> d) Location (West Midlands?)

Seems a good choice. It would be an even better choice if we brought our 
West Midlands colleagues here (BVSC, MOST, OpenAdvantage) and discussed 
with them. Until then, it's a good theory...
> e) How many rooms do we want (relevant for break-out sessions; we could
> have them in different parts of one large room but different rooms is
> better if we can afford it)?

That would depend on venue. Again, our colleagues who are actually 
present in the West Midlands would be best to help decide this.
> If we can provisionally agree these, I'm happy to spend a bit of time
> phoning round ad getting quotes for meeting rooms in hotels.
> Iain.

Mark Taylor, Chief Executive Officer
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
Tel: +44(0)870 608 0063

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