[affs-project] What a set of mugs

adam at thebowery.co.uk adam at thebowery.co.uk
Tue Sep 21 14:38:18 BST 2004

On Tue, Sep 21, 2023 at 01:53:26PM +0100, Richard Smedley wrote:
> I think we should be able to recoup that,
> we'd be v unlucky not to turn a profit at
> the show.

In theory we will aim to sign up 10 people a day, so there is income
from that aspect also. Part of the merchandising campaign should not be
considered solely along the lines of "making money" but also with the
idea of drawing attention to ourselves, and if that means we sell
nothing but have attracted new members the campaign has worked well.
jabberid = quinophex at jabber.earth.li
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