[affs-project] What a set of mugs

Richard Smedley richard at sc.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 21 13:53:26 BST 2004

> Moshy moshy.

It gets more and more obscure =^)
> I tried to do a design for a mug. It's here:
> http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/MugIdeas

Thanks Alex,
As you will have seen from a cc'd mail to
Geoff, I'm out of contact while my `phone
line is down (could be back up by tomorrow
evening, meanwhile those who need anything
from me have my mobile telephone number).
Can I leave it to you and this list to sort
out numbers?
If we were to order between 20 and 40 (of this
design, or in total if we have any others in
the pipeline), that's between GBP50 and 100
- is that OK with the treasury?
I think we should be able to recoup that,
we'd be v unlucky not to turn a profit at
the show.
Thoughts? I can't easily get out today to
get online again and onto my webmail, so I
leave it in the capable hands of the list :-)
 - Richard

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