[affs-project] ideas etc

adam at thebowery.co.uk adam at thebowery.co.uk
Tue Sep 7 09:32:46 BST 2004

On Tue, Sep 07, 2023 at 01:09:20AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> It's hard to decide what is most important without deciding: what are the 
> aims of the AFFS stand? Are we:
> - establishing new contacts;
> - gathering supporters;
> - getting face-to-face feedback;
> - selling merchandise;
> - trying to get press coverage;
> - demonstrating free software;
> - distributing information;
> - researching new trends;
> - trying to find deals?
> What's the main aim?

* All of the above, although selling merchandise isn't going to be that easy
for us seeing as we don't actually have any, although Alex, Kirsty and I have
been discussing designing some kind of AFFS t-shirt although, this is still a
project at quite an early stage. One other thought would be giving away copies
of Free software, does the OpenCD project have a stand yet? Also can you
explain more of what you mean for the final 2 items on the list? they would be 
something that would require more work than all of the above. 
> On a more practical note, what's our stand number? It's only just over a 
> month to go, so we should start publicising it. If we stock leaflets for 
> projects without stands, they could tell people the stand number too.

Tell people "AFFS stand in the .org village" should be good enough (and I think
that most people will find that easier to remember than a stand no.), Brian has
already said that we get a large poster so I would hope that nobody has 
difficulty finding us. (at least if they do I don't think it will be because of
something we have done wrong)
jabberid = quinophex at jabber.earth.li
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