
This site is the personal opinion of Alex Hudson. In particular, this does not reflect the views and/or policies of the Association for Free Software

welcome to alexwiki

This is the AFFS homepage of AlexHudson, a convenient place for me to put things. It is highly unlikely any of the contents of this site are endorsed by the AFFS.

This is a Kwiki installation, you might like to check out KwikiFormattingRules.


NewsLetter - I did edit it for three months. I continue to drop newsletter-related artefacts in here.




None atm.


Copyright & Related Rights

Consultation on the review of EU legislation on copyright and related rights is here.

Past Activity


LinuxWorldExpo2004 has happened.

OSS Policy v2

There is a faux-consultation on version 2 of the Government's policy on "open source".

Note, although we have the PDF for this we can't send it to anyone! We sent this response a little while ago; will publish on the website soonish.

There may be other OldStuff hanging around.