[Ukfs-event] Dates and venues

Iain Roberts iain.roberts at opensourceconsortium.org
Tue Sep 26 21:40:08 BST 2006

Just giving this a little bump, having had no response.  I'm happy to do
the initial legwork and get things booked but I need some consensus on
the questions below first.
Iain Roberts wrote:
> For the November conference, can we agree :
> a) How long the conference will be (we've talked about a two-day
> conference in the past).
> b) How big it will be (I think we aim for 60-70 people to attend)
> c) When it will be (e.g. which dates in November do we need to avoid so
> we don't clash with other events).
> d) Location (West Midlands?)
> e) How many rooms do we want (relevant for break-out sessions; we could
> have them in different parts of one large room but different rooms is
> better if we can afford it)?
> If we can provisionally agree these, I'm happy to spend a bit of time
> phoning round ad getting quotes for meeting rooms in hotels.
> Iain.

Iain Roberts
Chief Executive
Open Source Consortium

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