[Ukfs-event] Topics for the conference

Iain Roberts iain.roberts at opensourceconsortium.org
Fri Sep 22 13:43:12 BST 2006

What theme are we choosing for this conference?  What topics do we want
to discuss?
Once we've got an idea of those, we can start contacting potential
speakers and we can put together some initial information for delegates.
For example :
Theme : The benefits of FLOSS for non-techies
Topics :
- FLOSS & Education
- FLOSS & the public sector
- How FLOSS is helping the environment (e.g. extending the life of PCs)
- How FLOSS is empowering people (e.g. social training, one laptop per
child, assistive technologies)
- Getting FLOSS onto the political agenda
- Building a home-grown IT sector with FLOSS
Presentation methods :
 - Round table/panel discussions
 - Debate
 - Presentation
 - Workshop
Other ideas :
 - Use the conference to capture ideas and make sure they go straight
onto a wiki (have someone in every session typing up minutes).
 - Look for delegates living close together and suggest car sharing.
 - Can we theme each day, so people who are only interested in some
topics have more chance of finding them all on one day rather than
spread out across the two?
Iain Roberts
Chief Executive
The Open Source Consortium

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