[affs-project] Expenses?

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Tue Sep 14 19:43:00 BST 2004

On Tue, 2023-09-14 at 19:47 +0100, Richard Smedley wrote:
> The expo will be our big show for the autumn, let's budget accordingly.
> What do we feel comfortable spendin? Some of this can go on merchandice
>  - a recoverable cost (if we're selling things ;^) Some on the stand
> (printing), and the rest on expenses. Then we can see if the volunteers
> fit the expenses, and adjust accordingly :-)

I'm not sure what to budget. In terms of merchandise - I'm planning on
doing t-shirts, but AFFS is unlikely to be able to pay for these up
front (we just don't have the time) so I would probably take on the
capex. for those. Printing - again, something of an unknown. I have no
printers near me any more, so Adam is hopefully going to go scouting
sometime soon to get some prices. Most of the stuff we had last time was
printed on my laser, and apart from the surface of the card being a bit
too shiny it worked ok. 
£30 would be a reasonable figure for printing, IMO, merching other than
tees I have no idea about. Floats are always useful too, but again there
is the issue of mobilising AFFS cash. As for expenses, again, I have no
idea - that's why I asked Kirsten to post her figures. I don't stay in
hotels in London (cos I live here) and therefore have little idea of the
realistic cost of these things. I obviously agree we need to set costs
before we begin, but don't want to pull numbers out of my ass at this
> > Who is authoritative? ctte hasn't noted anyone in charge of the stand 
> > yet, as far as I can tell. I'm not sure whether Alex, Kirsten or 
> > Richard is running it. The page is on Alex's wiki and he posts some 
> > questions and has been emailing Brian T, but Richard has posted 
> > questions too, while Kirsten seems to be doing a lot of the work as 
> > well.
> Hmm, I'd assumed that Alex was running it. However as assumption is 
> the mother of all cock-ups, let's check ;-)
> Alex - given sufficient help, are you happy to be running this show? :^)

The stuff I've done so far has been a matter of practicality generally -
e.g., I'm an accessible contact for .org village, etc. I don't see
myself as being authoritative. If you want me to "run the show" fine,
but I don't really see what practical implication that has :o)
> All I've done is to start to price mugs, and begin to think about
> more info leaflets (not got very far with this).

Both things would be greatly appreciated. We should probably have a chat
about designs at some point - you can read on the wiki what Kirsten and
I have battered out between us so far, and I hope to have some finished
designs by the weekend (I'm away from tomorrow though). We should
probably continue the image/graphic profile across all merchandise for a
consistent look'n'feel.
> I'll be available both days to help out. Will try to find free 
> accommodation to keep down expenses.

You're a star, thanks!

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