[affs-project] ideas etc

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Tue Sep 7 16:42:40 BST 2004

On Mon, 2023-09-06 at 21:25 +0100, Kirsten Naylor wrote:
> > working hard on getting the .org area into shape in general). If you can
> > help out, or you have ideas about what we should be doing for Expo,
> > please punt them there.
> * great piles of a4 sheets with the affs take on various current issues,
> so that the uninitiated can hand them out and smile nicely without
> having to enter debates

Yeah. The difficulty is knowing how many to do, and on what subjects.
Swpat is an obvious one - it's quite volatile, so people are usually not
up-to-date, and it's also complicated. I guess it also depends on how
many motormouths we have on the stand - I'm usually willing to gob to
people at length, which maybe lessens the need?
> * also a4 sheets with practical details about what it means to belong to
> affs - what you get out of your £10 iow

We did do this with posters last time - bright yellow and orange
fluorescent posters with the various benefits on it. I think it did cut
out most of the questions about what membership got you; although, I'm
not sure we saw any rise in membership due to it. I think membership
probably needs to be made more attractive somehow, but that's really a
separate discussion. 
I would like to see more people sign up as members. I wonder if we
should have some kind of raffle or something? Thing is, it would have to
be a pretty cool prize to get some people to join. 
> * _colourful_ signs to catch the eye, even if they're done with
> felt-tipped pens

:) I had a set of fluorescent posters [only A4-sized, though :( ] which
were printed onto. You could see the headlines and some text from a fair
distance from the stand, though, so I think they were useful, and they
definitely caught the eye.
> from the humble previous observations of Kirsten, who will presumably be
> available to help

I hope so :o)

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