
This site is the personal opinion of Alex Hudson. In particular, this does not reflect the views and/or policies of the Association for Free Software

Welcome to the War Room

This is Alex and Adam's planning page for LU&D 2004

Theatre: Linux User & Developer Expo 2004, held on April 20th (Tue) & 21st (Wed) in London Olympia
Position: ".org village", campaigns

Strategic objectives:

  1. raise awareness of free software, and AFFS in particular
  2. inform people of the current work of the AFFS
  3. encourage new members to join Association
  4. receive feedback from members and nonmembers on how better to achieve the aims of the Association

Background Intel

Known Terrain

Theatre is square-shaped, with an opening in the north-west and south-east corners. Outline of the square created by panelling; tables within ~1m locus of panel except at ends. We will position ourselves by one corner (to be agreed), and occupy that territory.

Entry into Theatre will require papers to get past sentry checkpoints. Kojak, errol and mothergoose will pick up their papers on the day from operatives on the ground.

LATEST: operatives have smuggled out a map


In order to complete the mission, a number of resources will be marshalled into position. This logistics exercise will involve the following:


  • AlexHudson - (callsign Kojak) there both days (hopefully)
  • AdamBower - (callsign errol) also there both days
  • KirstenNaylor - (callsign mothergoose) resident show expert
  • PaulTansom - (callsign orca) planning to be there on the 20th
  • TomChance - (callsign telex) there either day, or both if needed
  • MJR - skirmishing nearby on 20th. He would like you to hand out leaflets. Please email him to confirm.

Other battalions

Will we be joined by: GNU? UKFSN? There is the possibility of capturing futher territory within the village by deploying extra troops to empty areas.

AFSP will not be joining us on the stand, but will be sending propaganda and meeting nearby at 11 on 20th

FFII have managed to get themselves a stand all of their own [15/04/04]


What leaflets will we use? Need to see if we have enough of the previous left over. Is it still accurate (apart from obvious mistakes)?

Complaints about lack of current information last time. Need to look into possibility of distributing information in non-paper form...

Note regarding lack of info, an early proposal was to have A4 sheet/sheets displayed upright in plastic stands (with stack of take-away sheets nearby) Provides something to look at on the stand.

Design for poster - are willing to print one for us, but we ought to design one ourselves.

We also need some InfoSheets which will serve as "latest updates" on various key topics. Content for said InfoSheets will be generated in said area of the wiki; go there for more info.

Alex is storing surplus materials.


Efficient distribution of propaganda

PR people Wildfire will be running part of the marketing stuff, see their site here. In particular, they run the press office.


Latest information from the wires and the resistance:

  • It is likely that nearby territory will be occupied by the Postgres Fusiliers [7/4/04]
  • Wiretaps suggests large-scale flying equipment care of Royal Naval Service Air Fleet Arm will be present. Be afraid [7/4/04]
  • 50 "press packs" can be inserted into the press room for the show [19/3/04]
  • wireless on ground floor will run channels 1-3. Use channels 4-11 therefore to avoid enemy jamming activity [17/3/04]
  • HQ Hotel for LU&D is "The Copthorne Tara", £99 per night. Intelligence reports from "GNOME-UK" indicate that " which has rooms in the earls Court area from £15", this information has not been verified. [16/3/04]

Further reports will be added as they come in.