[Ukfs-event] This event is slipping away

Iain Roberts iain.roberts at opensourceconsortium.org
Mon Oct 2 09:56:21 BST 2006

Mark Taylor wrote:
> I'm happy to take the lead, but we need to get everyone at the table so
> we can start planning. I've brought in all the people I promised (I
> think we've got half the BCS OSSG committee here for example), we just
> need representatives of the other groups.

This is why we need someone to be running with the overall event in the
way Rick is doing for LinuxWorld; for example by chasing up the people
who have said they'll approach others about the conference.
I don't believe anyone is doing that at present and my guess is that
unless someone does take on that role, we aren't going to get to the
point where we can start planning.
Iain Roberts
Chief Executive
The Open Source Consortium

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