[affs-project] Welsh Language Board consultation on IT and the Welsh Language

Kevin Donnelly kevin at dotmon.com
Tue Mar 8 14:29:29 GMT 2005

The Welsh Language Board, the body officially charged with promoting the Welsh 
language in Wales, has (partly as a result of various volunteer efforts on 
the FOSS front over the last two years) launched a consultation exercise 
on a strategy for Welsh in the IT field.
The relevant webpage is at:
and the most important document is probably the strategy document itself, 
although the standards document is also relevant.
There are many serious shortcomings in the strategy document (for example, it 
does not mention "Linux" anywhere; it equates "open-source" in the English 
text with "meddalwedd rhydd" (free software) in the Welsh text; it makes no 
reference to the superior font- and language-handling of the GNOME and KDE 
desktops; and so on).  At least OpenOffice is mentioned, but apparently only 
in its MicrosoftWindows guise. 
As an official strategy, it is likely that this will help shape policy over 
the next few years, and it would be unfortunate if that policy were 
formulated in such a way that it places FOSS at a disadvantage.
I am writing some comments on the strategy document, although how far they 
will be taken on board in the final version is hard to say.  If anyone on 
this list has the time to read over the WLB's strategy document, I would be 
interested in any points they have, which I can work into my own document.
The closing date for consultation input is Thursday 31 March, so input in the 
next week would be useful.  You can email me directly rather than cluttering 
up the list.
Pob hwyl / Best wishes
Kevin Donnelly
www.kyfieithu.co.uk - Meddalwedd Rhydd yn Gymraeg
www.cymrux.org.uk - Linux Cymraeg ar un CD!

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