[affs-project] LinuxWorld Expo Badges, draft v0.1 (fwd)

Paul Sladen debian-uk at paul.sladen.org
Mon Oct 4 14:58:28 BST 2004

Hello AFFS people;
MJR reminded me to pass this onto the AFFS list too;  (already sent to the
UK Debian, GNOME and KDE lists).
These are for badges for people on the .Org stands---see the PDF:
  http://www.paul.sladen.org/expo/2004-10/linuxworld-2004-badges-v0.1.pdf (81kB)
For those coming to the Expo, could you send me your Name, Nick and any
notes you'd like on the badges (similar to the following file):
  http://www.paul.sladen.org/expo/2004-10/linuxworld-2004-badges-v0.1.txt (3kB)
NB: I'll probably add ``EXHIBITORS PASS'' back onto the template to make
people's lives easier---please send me your layout improvements!
NB: If you need/want extra logos, I'd like them in a vector format although
I can probably manage conversion from whatever you can provide.
Is there no safe way to travel?  London, GB

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