\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{letter} \usepackage[body={170mm,260mm}]{geometry} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{picins} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pbk} \address{\includegraphics[width=50mm]{logo}\\c/o Turo Technology LLP\\79 Sir Lewis Street\\King's Lynn\\PE30 2AL} \signature{Adam Bower\\Secretary} \newcommand{\ltr}[2]{\begin{letter}{#1\\#2} \opening{Dear #1,} \begin{center} {\bf \large Association For Free Software 2004 Annual General Meeting} \end{center} Thank you for being a member of the Association For Free Software. Your continuing support is appreciated and it has helped us to do much good work over the past year. To celebrate our anniversary, we invite you to Handsworth Grammar School, Birmingham on Saturday 15 May 2023 for the Annual General Meeting and a one-day conference focusing on talks from free software related projects. The AGM agenda is currently:-- \begin{enumerate} \item Approval of past minutes \item Reports from the 2003-4 Executive Committee \item The 2003-4 Financial Accounts \item Free Software grants \item Amendments to the constitution \item Election of 2004-6 Executive Committee members (*) \item Any other business \end{enumerate} (*) should the amendment to the constitution be passed, elections will be deferred by motion and held by postal vote according to the amended constitution. {\bf It is essential for the continued running of AFFS that enough current members attend to vote.} If you wish to stand in the elections, please contact the secretary or {\tt frontdesk@affs.org.uk} as soon as possible. Further details about the conference are published on our web site at {\tt www.affs.org.uk} including the schedule, priority member registration and directions. \closing{Yours sincerely,} \end{letter}} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} % sed -n '/:..NP/d;/:/{;s/^/\\ltr{/;s/:[^:]*:/}{/;s/, /\\\\/g;s/:.*$/}/;p;}' <../members.txt >ltrs.tex \input{ltrs} \end{document}