Profit And Loss - 17. 5.2003 to 15. 5.2004

        Bonus GBP 0.00        
        Gifts Received GBP 1 050.08     Described on donors page
        Interest Income GBP 0.00        
        Other Income GBP 0.00        
        Subscriptions GBP 1 080.00     108 members paid during the year
    Total Income     GBP 2 130.08    
        Adjustment GBP 0.00        
        Awards GBP 0.00        
        Bank Service Charge GBP 0.00        
        Miscellaneous GBP 375.65     AFFSAC 2004 costs which will be covered by the exhibition; some expo costs, which were donated
        Online Services GBP 0.00        
        Phone GBP 0.00        
        Subscriptions GBP 0.00        
        Supplies GBP 104.82     Postage (equivalent of 2 mailshots) and stationery, including expo materials
        Taxes GBP 0.00        
        Travel GBP 143.70     Expo travel, which was donated
    Total Expenses     GBP 624.17    

Profit     GBP 1 505.91