This site contains only some files about my work for AFFS and not official statements. Official messages are sent from email addresses or posted to the main web site (the bit with the snazzy templates). Other emails aren't, even if they cite this page as background info.


  1. Acting as treasurer:
  2. Membership registrar: process
  3. Webmaster:
  4. Contact for BCS and Socitm liaisons

Other material

  1. Info about the 2005-03/04 UK Patent Office Technical Contribution workshops
  2. AFFS-RFCs, meeting logs, etc
  3. the Free and Open Source Software in Libraries HOWTO
  4. An AFFS logo as gzipped postscript and PNG (licensed as the main site)
  5. tarball with early copy of schoolforge UK wiki that was hosted here
  6. some info on the South Holland Centre, Spalding
  7. a scratchpad
  8. some other stuff that isn't private, but I'm not going to help you find

My own web site is elsewhere.